Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love with Abandon

It's refreshing to take a trip and have it consist of people rather than places. This past weekend we visited old friends in Southern California. I miss them dearly and wish we still lived near them. Each of their lives are changing so much and they are all growing into great people and people we want to raise are children with. This weekend really caused me to think of how little I consciously make it appoint to love people. Yet as Christians this should be our goal. To love others self-sacrificially. How much I want to be this person and desire that to be my goal with people. Instead so many times I find myself focusing on myself and my family alone. So many others in our family and friends have loved us in this way and I want to return this love. I am thankful to each of our friends! They are wonderful people who have enriched our lives beyond our expectations. We love you and we miss you!

1 comment:

Kristin Sellars said...

We love you guys tons too!!!