Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This year for my garden my sister-in-law convinced me to make a square foot garden. I have been able to plant so much in such a small area. I love it! Thank you Bekah. It looks beautiful and delicious! We have tons of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, large tomatoes, okra, cucumber, yellow squash, pole beans, bush beans, beets, carrots, scallions, basil, coriander, marigolds, nasturtiums, bell pepper and so on...can you believe that all fits in two 4x4 square blocks? I don't even have to take a trip to the farmers market anymore.
It is so hot here that none of us feel like eating much. There's something about the heat that does that to you. It zaps your appetite. It's a good thing for me though because I can just pick what is ripe in the garden and eat that with homemade bread. Voila', a delicious garden meal! It's so cute to watch Elizah to go pick tomatoes for dinner too. I am thankful though that the climate does allow pretty much anything to grow almost year round here. I really can't complain.

Monday, June 16, 2008

We try to give each other alone time and this was my husband's last week. Yes this was his superman sheet when he was probably Elizah's age. Some things never change. I think when he uses it he feels sort of like a baby in his mothers arms; secure. I am so thankful for him. He is an amazing father of our two daughters. He is such a present and intentional father towards them. He plays, changes, disciplines, teaches, prays, cleans, clothes, cooks, reads to, makes them laugh so hard and so much more. I am indebted to this man for all he does for us and am thankful for all he is. Thank you Joshua you are an amazing father!

Summer is officially here!. It is so hot that even I have ran through the little blue elephant sprinkler yelping with joy for the little relief from the heat. We even broke down and bought a kiddie pool. I know, I know, nothing screams suburban track home like a little, blue, plastic kiddie pool. And ever since we bought it I have been struggling with that. Elizah is at the coast with my mother and grandparents for the whole week! This is the longest she has ever been away and I was quite reluctant, but when my mother suggested I would be able to sleep in past 5:15 am I latched on. What can I say? I am a selfish being. It's true though I slept until 8:30 this morning. I have not done that for almost three years. I also want her to be able to spend as much time with her great grandparents as possible. I want her to glean from them (as much as she can at 2 years old) and I want her to remember them. Most children do not have the opportunity to know their great grandparents as she does.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Uncle was a very kind man who seemed to know something about every subject. He loved children, but especially babies. Some years we would toast to different things and he would toast to "more babies". He was a visionary and had new ideas. He was loved by so many. He was an extremely hard worker and instilled a strong work ethic in his children. He seemed to have so many dreams and aspirations of which remain only dreams now. He went to be with the Lord on May 20, 2008. I know there will be a great void in my families lives during the days and years to come. Saying goodbye to a child, spouse or father has to one of the steepest mountains one has to climb in life. Thank you Randy for your life and your interest in building a relationship with Jesus Christ.

My husband grew up in Vermont so we just got back from our annual vacation there. It was so beautiful! The apple trees and lilacs were just beginning to bloom. The trees were all different shades of green. It almost looked like fall except with a different color scheme,and it was cold. Elizah played, and played, and ran, and ran outside everyday with her cousins. (Yes, I'm sure that's something Elizah had to get used to as we live in suburbia with a small backyard.) We were able to spend a lot of time with Nicki (who is an awesome mom) and her three kids. We enjoyed being there so much and would love to live there.

We also took a side vacation to Maine with Josh's Sister Bekah and her Husband Toby's family. We stayed on Schoodic Point which is across from Bar Harbor. We were able to do some hiking, which was more like taking walks, because of the little ones. The scenery there was stunning and the cost line so jagged and rocky. We steamed the largest lobsters I have ever seen and then gorged ourselves! We had a great time.
This is on the top of Cadillac Mountain in Arcadia National Park overlooking Bar Harbor.

Hazel and Phare, who just turned 1, are three months apart and were so cute together grabbing and pulling at one another. They don't even know it yet but they are going to be great friends. Bekah is so nurturing and attentive to her needs. It was encouraging to watch her love and care for Phare.